Wednesday, September 30, 2009
10:36 PM
Woah so tired, grandma woke me up at 9pm+ and said that we going buddah there with my cousin because next thursday his going to ARMY.
It's real !! He's already 22 years old ! First, grandma and me changed cloths and rushed to the MRT Station because she thought my cousin was there already -.-".
But i did'nt believe it so after a few stops when we reached there, he was not there ! LOL.
I predicted correctly =]. She called him and he said his coming, so after awhile my grandma called again and he said his coming and we waited and waited.And he finally came ! xD
After going to the buddah( i took alot of sweets there :D and a packet of peanuts ;x ),we went to a nearby hawker centre and we 3 ate the same lunch O_O( fishball noodles, grandma and mine are chilli while he's is tomato. EEW ~ tomato sucks ).
After eating, we went to the MRT Station and i ate 1 sweet just before we go into the MRT :D( i have too many sweet teeths ).
He followed me and grandma to buy some mushrooms( i know !! so "EEEEW" for me lol ) after that, we took the same MRT and after a few stops, it was he's turn to get off first.
After that, awhile more, it was our turn to get off and go home.
Ohhkay ~ That's all for today ! =]
( i need to eat dinner ;x )
Labels: -YAN-
Will you ever notice me...
1:49 AM
Today is children's day... Hmm.. When i got into my school bus, i saw most of my busmates wearing their clothes ! O_O.
Only chun kang did'nt wear LOLs!
I wonder what SY( Si Ying ) and ASS aka( also known as ) Es( Esther ) would wear today ..
While waiting for them, i day dreamed ~ :D.
After awhile of daydreamin, ASS came wearing a SUPER ugly PINK dress .. -Says EEEW-
I so damn hate pink .. Altough i was wearing a pink dog shirt ..
BUT IT WAS ONLY A PINK DOG SHIRT ! It's not like a long dress like ASS's !
Finally, SY came .She was wearing a red shirt with jeans( like i thought what she would wear ).
And the school spent the whole day letting us watch some performers( my favourite one is the P2 teachers and P1 teachers ).
And SY's leg keep on Ma Bi ( chinese word meaning :numb ) but my leg was never numb altough we spent almost the same hours and minutes sitting and watching the performers !
Somemore SY's numb leg is always the left leg and SY's leg numb-ed about 5 times !( that's alot ! but i never even had once today ! my leg is super awesome xD )
And straight at 12:30am Mr.Effendi dismissed us after letting the PT( private transport ) pupils go.
After ASS and me go to find her sis, Eunice, I went to my bus queue.
And you know what i saw ? A SUPER FREAKIN LONG LINE !! I was the 4th last ( because 2 person go to the back ) and walao, P1 so good lorh can go to the front of the bus queue.
Ohkay, done for today. =]
Labels: -YAN'S]
Will you ever notice me...